Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chicken, Rice, Fanta, and Tears

Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave.
- Winnie the Pooh

Koby didn't understand almost any of the words that Michele and I spoke to him yesterday as we left, yet emotionally his reaction, and simultaneously ours, as well as the reactions of Jordan and Alexis, could not have been more perfectly synchronized.

It would be too cliche to say things such as "the language of love is universal", etc., yet there's really no other way to convey what leaving was like. Koby screamed, cried, kicked at anyone that tried to put him in Kofi's car, and refused to let go of me while I tried to place him in the backseat myself. While this unfolded, our hearts broke more with each sob, knowing it will be months before we'll see the boys again.

Friends and family both have told us that we would need to remember that we're not abandoning them, that we'll be back for them, that they'll remember us, etc., but it's amazing how hollow those words feel inside, despite the fact that they are all so true. This week was absolutely a Gift from God.

The four of us, in conjunction with Koby and Kwame, formed a bond I personally would never have believed possible amongst individuals that had never met, despite what would have seemed lofty expectations at the outset. We obviously "loved" the boys from the moment we saw them on the About A Child waiting list.

For me, there was always that little whisper in the back of my mind regarding whether or not I could truly love children that weren't biologically mine to the same degree as the four that are. That doubt was eliminated so quickly, it's difficult now to recall whether or not it existed at all.

The title of this page is intended to remind Michele, the kids, and myself just how much those two boys truly loved chicken, rice, and Fanta, and obviously to reflect somewhat on yesterday. Now, after starting to type, I think it would be better if this particular entry was left short and sweet and we discuss other topics in future posts.

Koby and Kwame, we love you both with all our hearts and we cannot wait to hold you close to us again.

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